About Me


Hello, my name is Quinn Haisley (She/They), and I’m so glad you found this space! I have been working in nutrition for over seven years, and have been working as a registered dietitian (RD) in the eating disorder field for over four years.

I received my B.A. in Philosophy with a minor in Gender Studies from Pace University, before transitioning to work in nutrition. I went back to school and got my A.S. in Dietetics from LaGuardia Community College, which was an invaluable experience that allowed me to learn from my peers who came from a diverse set of backgrounds. I went on to attend New York University for my M.S. in Clinical Nutrition, and my Dietetic Internship. After completing my Dietetic Internship, I began working at BALANCE eating disorder treatment center, where I worked for three years as both a dietitian and the Supervisor of Outpatient Services.

I am extremely passionate about social justice and anti-carceral work in the context of eating disorder treatment, and bring this into my work as an RD. My goal is to increase access to quality, affirming nutrition care for communities who have often been overlooked in the nutrition field, and to challenge the current status quo of eating disorder treatment that doesn’t work for all individuals. I bring in my own lived experiences as a queer, non-binary, and neurodivergent clinician. My areas of work have included:

  • Eating Disorders

    • Anorexia Nervosa

    • Bulimia Nervosa

    • Binge Eating Disorder

    • Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

    • Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders (OSFED)

  • Disordered Eating Behaviors

  • Eating and Neurodivergence

  • Intuitive Eating

  • Co-occurring Health Conditions Including:

    • Diabetes

    • PCOS

    • GI Disorders

    • Heart Disease